Revista de Arquitectura aceita para inclusão na coleção SciELO Chile
Convocatória Revista de Arquitectura N.º 48
Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: 7 de marzo del 2025
Normas para autores:
Akkar Ercan, M., & Oya Memlük, N. (2015). More inclusive than before?: The tale of a historic urban park in Ankara, Turkey. Urban Desing International, 20(3), 195-221.
Aksit, E. E. (2010). Politics of decay and spatial resistance. Social & Cultural Geography, 11(4), 343-357.
Aktüre, S. (1989). The Islamic Anatolian City. Environmental Design. Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre, 8(1-2), 68-79.
AlSayyad, N. (1987). Space in an Islamic city: some urban design patterns. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 4(2), 108-119.
Arís, C. M. (1999). Silencios elocuentes. Edicions UPC.
Avcı Hosanlı, D., & Resta, G. (2021). Building a Nation, Building a Modern Capital City: A Comparative Study of Ankara’s and Tirana’s First Master Plans. Idealkent, 12(34), 1693-1721.
Ayhan Koçyiğit, E. S. (2019). A Tale of Ulus Square: Emergence, Transformation and Change. Journal of Ankara Studies, 7(1), 27-73.
Aytekin, E. A. (2022). Beyond conflict and coexistence: cosmopolitanism and intercommunal relations in late Ottoman cities. Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea, 22(4), 587-608.
Benedito, S. (2023). Charged Space: The Anatomy of the In-between. Architectural Design, 93(4), 54-61.
Bevan, R. (2022). Monumental Lies. Culture Wars and the Truth about the Past. Verso.
Breitschmid, M., & Olgiati, V. (2019). Non-referential architecture. Park Books.
Çalışkan, O., Cihanger Ribeiro, D., & Tümtürk, O. (2020). Designing the heterotopia: from social ideology to spatial morphology. Urban Design International, 25(1), 30-52.
Calvi, E. (Ed.). (1997). La città del margine: percorsi e progetti. Lindau.
Carmona, M. (2010). Contemporary Public Space: Critique and Classification, Part One: Critique. Journal of Urban Design, 15(1), 123-148.
Carmona, M. (2015). Re-theorising contemporary public space: a new narrative and a new normative. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 8(4), 373-405.
Çeler, Z. (2019). Pseudo-Historicism and Architecture: The New Ottomanism in Turkey. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21(5), 493-514.
Cerasi, M. (1985). Open space, water and tres in Ottoman urban culture in the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries. Environmental Design. Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre, (2), 36-50.
Cerasi, M. (1986). Il tessuto residenziale della città ottomana (secc. XVII-XIX). Storia della città, (31-32), 105-122.
Cerasi, M. (2005). The Urban and Architectural Evolution of the Istanbul Divanyolu: Urban Aesthetics and Ideology in Ottoman Town Building. Muqarnas, 22, 189–232.
Çınar, A. (2014). State building as an urban experience: the making of Ankara. In M. Minkenberg (Ed.), Power and architecture: the construction of capitals and the politics of space (pp. 227 - 260). Berghahn Books.
Çörek Öztaş, Ç. (2021). How to Best Classify Rural in Metropolitan Areas? The Turkish Case. Planning Practice & Research, 36(4), 456-466.
Cousin, J. (1980). L’espace vivant: Introduction à l’espace architectural premier. Dunod.
Daou, D. (2008). The absent vision within multiplicity. In A. Gospodini, C. A. Brebbia, & E. Tiezzi (Eds.), The Sustainable City V. Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (pp. 377-386). WIT Press.
Del Río, R. M. (2022). Centraal Beheer. An instrument in the process of human awareness. VLC Arquitectura, 9(1), 127-160.
Demir, H. K. (2023). Challenging the Islamic City Paradigm: A Trial for Ottoman Urban Spaces through the Lens of Collective Action Theory. Bilig, 2023(106), 109-144.
Dizdaroglu, D. (2022). Designing a Smart, Livable, and Sustainable Historical City Center. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 148(3), 05022023.
Donougho, M. (1987). The Language of Architecture. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 21(3), 53-67.
Gasco, G., & Resta, G. (2021). From the elizabethan long gallery to the turkish sofa: Rethinking the art of inhabitation. Festival dell’Architettura Magazine, (52-53), 32-39.
Han, B.-C. (2009). The Scent of Time. A Philosophical Essay on the Art of Lingering. Transcript.
Han, B.-C. (2010). Müdigkeitsgesellschaft. Matthes & Seitz.
Hertzberger, H. (1991). Lessons for students in architecture. 010 Publishers.
Hmood, K. F., & Dişli, G. (2019). Sustainable development of urban conserved heritage: An analytical study of Kursunlu mosque in Ulus, Ankara. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 14(3), 273-288.
Karakuş, F., & Urak, Z. G. (2021). Changes and Problems of Conservation in Ankara-Ulus Historical City Center: Koyunpazarı Slope and Atpazarı Square. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 9(2), 819-850.
Kim, C. H. (2021). Pyongyang Modern: Architecture of Multiplicity in Postwar North Korea. Journal of Korean Studies, 26(2), 271-296.
Kostof, S. (1993). The city shaped. Urban patterns and meanings through history. Bulfinch Press.
MacLeod, G., & Ward, K. (2002). Spaces of Utopia and Dystopia: Landscaping the Contemporary City. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, 84(3/4), 153-170.
Musil, R. (2006). Posthumous Papers of a Living Author. Archipelago Books.
Purini, F. (2010). Una Modernità dialettica e plurale. In M. G. Turco (Ed.), L’Architettura dell’altra modernità. Atti del XXVI Congresso di Storia dell’Architettura (pp. 40-48). Gangemi.
Resta, G., & Dicuonzo, F. (2023). Playgrounds as meeting places: Post-war experimentations and contemporary perspectives on the design of in-between areas in residential complexes. Cidades, (47), 1-22.
Rossi, L., Pedata, L., Porfido, E., & Resta, G. (2017). Fragile Edges and Floating Strategies along the Albanian Coastline. The Plan Journal, 2(2), 685-705.
Silberberger, J. (Ed.). (2021). Against and for Method. Revisiting Architectural Design as Research. gta Verlag.
Tankut, G. (1993). Bir başkentin imarı: Ankara 1929-39. Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi.
Yıldız Kuyrukçu, E., & Ünal, H. Ü. (2021). Examining “Eclektic”, “Kitch” “Neoclasic” and “Orientalist” architectural production methods on university structures. Journal of Human Sciences, 18(1), 108-130.
Zevi, B. (1992). Sterzate architettoniche. Conflitti e polemiche degli anni Settanta-Novanta. Dedalo.