

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection


Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 48. 



Deadline for paper submissions:  March 7, 2025

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Low angle view. Integration of Art and Architecture in the axis nadir - zenith



This article reflects on the dichotomy raised by Alfredo Jaar and Evelyn Meynard between art and architecture, stating that such separation responds to conventional criteria. It is argued that what transforms any human creation −in particular the so-called work of architecture− into a work of art is a plus, an ineffable condition, which exceeds its ordinary qualities. This condition is not an intrinsic faculty of the object nor of the subject but arises when the subject recognizes having reached the universe of ideality to which he aspires through the work, even belonging to the universe of reality. According to this idea, it is the subject who grants the object the quality of a work of art according to its recognition, so that any work thus recognized becomes a work of art. This affirmation is the essential theme of this work that is sustained as a hypothesis that is not given a scientific demonstration because it remains in the plane of subjectivity. However, trying to answer the questions formulated by both, it maintains that in those works that structure their spatiality according to the nadir-zenith relationship, the human being has greater possibilities of achieving the ideality to which he aspires.



Aesthetic, architecture, art, nadir, philosophy, zenith


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