The notion of typology is one of the fundamental tools within the practices of knowledge of architecture. It refers to their ways of recognizing and structurally ordering their works as a whole, but it is also a useful tool to distributing and to keep their references open, so as to be able to integrate new contents and cooperate with epistemologically different communities. Using an approach that integrates the theory of the architectural project with the social studies of Science and Technology, the present text describes the notion of typology from definitions present in the architectural literature. It is presented as a canonical organization of the work done, as a speculative design orientation, and as a flexible interpretative language that allows us to be understood and to cooperation with others. Finally, this interpretative flexibility is being discussed as a sign of the practicality of both the concept and the modes of order within architecture itself.
Vergara, J., Alvarez, D., Dintrans, D., & Asenjo, D. (2021). On typologies and practical orders in architecture. Revista De Arquitectura, 25(39), pp. 14 – 21.
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