After the fire of the emblematic Diego Portales building in March 2006, located in the downtown Santiago de Chile, an intense debate began between those who wanted to leave the land for real estate investment, and who, on the contrary, appealed to the spirit original of the work as the center of the Third United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD III), and the Gabriela Mistral Metropolitan Cultural Center until September 1973. When the second position was won, an international tender awarded to Lateral Arquitectos was proclaimed. which considered a specialized library. Then, following the spirit of the original work, a public contest was held for integrated works of art, among which was selected a visualization of the genealogical trajectories of the building that would allow a prospective reflection. This article synthesizes this methodological proposal in a theoretical and practical way.
Data visualization, Prospective, Architecture history, BiblioGAM, UNCTAD III
Author Biography
David Maulén de los Reyes, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, UTEM
Licenciado en Arte por la Universidad de Chile con Diploma en Estudios Culturales y Magíster en Comunicación por la Universidad Austral de Chile. Diseñador de visualización de datos para trayectorias del edificio UNCTAD III en centro cultural BiblioGam, y mapa cualitativo de relaciones entre arquitectura y performance para SCL2110. Curador de la III Bienal de Arte: Situación del arte contemporáneo chileno, en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA). Coordinador de contenidos del ciclo Bauhaus en Chile, Goethe Institut, MNBA y Fundación Bauhaus Dessau el año 2014.
Maulén de los Reyes, D. (2017). Visiting the past. Space for reactivating the memories: building UNCTAD III, BiblioGAM. Revista De Arquitectura, 22(33), Pág. 17–30.
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