The incremental proposal of Elemental, designed to achieve a transformation of the image of social housing in Chile, seeks to solve through a new housing model, various problems both in issues of demand organization, as in the quality of spaces and construction of the whole, under a policy of low cost but of high production around new solutions.
This allows a reflection on how the architecture project has been integrated into the urban and social context, which in the first instance was designed based on an ideal of uses of public and private space that contrasts with the arrival of the inhabitant and the successive transformations that are occurring in their environment in response to their future needs and expectations.
Arquitecta (2017) y diplomada en Hábitat Residencial en Contextos de Vulnerabilidad Social (2015) por la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile.
Millones Segovia, Y. (2017). The other half of Quinta Monroy. Revista De Arquitectura, 22(32), Pág. 67–72.
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