

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



The Project of Theory. Contribution to the study and precision of the theory of architectural Project.


  • Fabián Barros di Giammarino Universidad de Magallanes


What is the Project Theory? How does it work? and For what it is necessary in architectural exercise? These are questions this investigation tries to answer. The dispersed and sloppy use with which this notion appears in the contemporary discourse, confer a veil of inaccuracies that precludes going deeper in their contents and scope. Facing the absence of a prior systematic investigation, arguments of the most important authors are analyzed and contrasted, focusing on the possibility of reaching criteria that will help to understand their potential. The apparent paradox of originating knowledge in an object not yet produced, whose generation is both its practice and learning, is where a series of principles might be found that would achieve to establish as hypotheses or timeless and transportable criteria. Architectural strategies of interest for the doing, achievable through a process that has in practical, critical, poetic and theorical elaboration, its continuous moments.


theory-praxis, projectuality, poetics, critical process