Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection
A new lineal centrality in the norte-sur urban highway. Reconverting the highway stretch “Río Mapocho- Parque O’Higgins” in a place of encounters and integration
The following article deals with the conversion of an urban highway stretch into a new vital urban space. Three third year architecture students of the University of Chile seized this opportunity proposing a new lineal centrality for the city of Santiago, Chile; a place of fortuitous encounters
and integration where the public realm retrieves its place in a lost urban fabric.
Fernández, M., Moder, D., & Ponce, D. (2014). A new lineal centrality in the norte-sur urban highway. Reconverting the highway stretch “Río Mapocho- Parque O’Higgins” in a place of encounters and integration. Revista De Arquitectura, 19(27), Pág. 71–75.
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