
It is reported that the thesis section is available, to publish abstracts of postgraduate theses in the disciplinary field. Who submits your thesis, must present the title, abstract, key words (include Occupational Therapy), and a summary of 2 to 3 pages of your thesis. And `present it in Spanish, English and / or Portuguese.

Sensory integration evaluation in adults with schizophrenia


  • Laura Rueda C. Prof. Asistente, Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidad de Chile.
  • Verónica Angulo D. Terapeuta Ocupacional. Centro de Trastornos del Movimiento
  • Gabriela Cruz S. Estudiante Magíster en Neurociencias, Universidad de Chile
  • Michelle Lapierre A. Terapeuta Ocupacional. Atención Privada Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil, Praga.


In recent times, the advances in health science and the concept of mind and body have pushed for further investigation and the proposal of even more integral strategies to treat complex illnesses like Schizophrenia. Among these, the Sensory Integration approach appears as a new focus that may explain some of the deficits and propose alternatives for treatment.

The Sensory Integration framework has been traditionally used by Occupational Therapists in work with children. In our country there are no publications regarding the use of Sensory Integration in adults diagnosed with Schizophrenia, there is also a lack of tools to evaluate sensory processing among this population.

The aim of this publication is to review existing international studies on this topic and to develop a proposal for Occupational Therapists to assess possible Sensory Integration dysfunction in adults diagnosed with Schizophrenia and how these alterations may influence their occupational performance.


Integración Sensorial, Esquizofrenia, Desempeño Ocupacional, Evaluación, Terapia Ocupacional, Sensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Occupational Performance, Occupational Therapy, Evaluation.

Author Biographies

Laura Rueda C., Prof. Asistente, Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidad de Chile.

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Magíster en Bioética. Licenciada en Filosofía. Prof. Asistente Universidad de Chile. Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional. Fono 9786344 - 9786183

Verónica Angulo D., Terapeuta Ocupacional. Centro de Trastornos del Movimiento

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Ocupación Humana. Universidad de Chile. Programa de Rehabilitación e Integración Social, Centro de Trastornos del Movimiento (CETRAM).

Gabriela Cruz S., Estudiante Magíster en Neurociencias, Universidad de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Ocupación Humana. Universidad de Chile. Estudiante Magíster en Neurociencias, Universidad de Chile

Michelle Lapierre A., Terapeuta Ocupacional. Atención Privada Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil, Praga.

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Ocupación Humana. Universidad de Chile. Atención Privada Salud Mental Infanto Juvenil, Praga, República Checa