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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha enviado previamente a otra revista.
  • El archivo enviado está en formato Microsoft Word.

Author Guidelines

Scope and editorial policy

Revista Chilena de Literatura, founded in 1970, is sponsored by the rectorship of the Universidad de Chile and is affiliated with the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. This journal appears regularly, twice a year. It welcomes writings previously unpublished and in Spanish. Revista Chilena de Literatura addresses a whole range of topics: it includes studies of writers, literary works and similar issues from the present and the past, from Chile as well as from foreign countries. The journal is organized into five sections:

1) Studies: literary scientific articles that promote the development of knowledge of the specific topic discussed.

2) Notes: usually briefer than articles and without the usual scientific organization present in scientific studies, but internally consistent and appropriately founded.

3) Documents: texts about authors and their works, such as interviews, new translations and unpublished writings that may facilitate or stimulate a better understanding of these authors’ works.

4) Reviews: bibliographic texts about recently published works. The reviews will deal with literary works and books or journals specialized in topics related to literature.

5) Dossier: it gathers between four and six studies under a common theme. Each dossier is coordinated by an academic specialist in the subject. The contributions to the dossier, like the rest of the studies published by our journal, are submitted to the process of double blind peer review.


Manuscript evaluation process

Revista Chilena de Literatura has an Editorial Staff that can accept or reject the submitted works, according to whether or not they adapt to the editorial line of our publication. After this first instance, the writings will be submitted to external peer review (“double blind” system), resorting to a third option if necessary. The final decision will be communicated to the author within a maximum period of fifteen months. If after the evaluation process it is determined that the text should be improve (minor modifications), the author will have a period of about one month to do so. Once the changes are made, the author must make a new submission of the writing, with a list that allows comparing the changes regarding the first version. An article that has been rejected after the blind peer review process cannot be sent back to our journal. The submission, edition and publication processes have no cost for the authors.


Instructions for authors

Manuscript form and preparation

1) Layout:

Articles, notes and documents: the author will title his work as briefly as possible, without indicating in the document his name or affiliation, as well as information that could give clues to his authorship (participation in research projects, other publications of the same author). These may be added to the text once it has been accepted for publication. The text must not exceed 25 pages (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaced), including notes, bibliography and annexes. In the case of articles, the submission must include translation of the title into English, and an abstract in both Spanish and English that does not exceed 10 lines. The author should also suggest 5 key words in Spanish and English. All tables and images, if any, must be inserted in the file consecutively numbered, including their legend and source. If the writing is approved, the images must be prepared for reproduction in a resolution of 300 DPI or higher, and preferably in JPG or PNG format.

Reviews: in the case of critical reviews, the title should include: name of the author of the book reviewed, title of the book and publication information. At the end of the review, the name of the author of the review, his/her email address and the institution, when appropriate. Its extension should not exceed 5 pages. 

2) Presentation of the text: Formally, the text must follow the recommendations of the MLA Style Manual 2009. The content or bibliographic commentary notes should be written as foot notes. The bibliographic references of direct, indirect quotes and other types of references (cf.) must be written in brackets including the author’s surname and pages (Mignolo 151), or, in the case of a clear reference in the text to the author of the source, only the page numbers. If there is a reference to several works by the same author, the beginning of the corresponding title must be included in italics, separated by a space following the title (Ortiz, Contrapunteo 29-32). For a better understanding, some examples are provided:

Single title by two authors: (Altamirano y Sarlo 45)

Single title with more than two authors: (Debesa et al. 113-32)

Quoting an indirect source: (Cit. en Montes 206)

Quoting literary works: (Wolff 321; esc. 2)

Direct and in-text quotations

Short quotations up to four lines should be written in quotation marks within the text. The most extensive ones should go in paragraphs marked by indentation to the left of the text. At the end of the quotation, the bibliographic reference should be specified following the guidelines provided above.


As Ángel Rama says, “dentro de ese cauce del saber, gracias a él, surgirán esas ciudades ideales de la inmensa extensión americana” (38).

As Ángel Rama states in La ciudad letrada:

Desde la remodelación de Tenochtitlan, luego de su destrucción por Hernán Cortés en 1521, hasta la inauguración en 1960 del más fabuloso sueño de urbe de que han sido capaces los americanos, la Brasilia de Lucio Costa y Oscar Niemeyer, la ciudad latinoamericana ha venido siendo básicamente un parto de la inteligencia... (35)

The quotation marks of the citations and of the ones displayed as foot notes that refer to comments, explanations or bibliographic notes, must be rendered in the following way:

 “…la inmensa extensión americana” (38).

...problema que ha sido objeto de extensa bibliografía².


The bibliography, at the end of the text, should only include the works cited. The main conventions for quotations are presented through examples as follows:

  1. a) Books

They must include the information in the following order and format:

Last name of the author, name. Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication: publishing house, year.


Single title by one author:

Zea, Leopoldo. Discurso desde la marginación y la barbarie. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988.

Year of first edition:

Donoso, José. El obsceno pájaro de la noche. 1970. Santiago: Alfaguara, 1997.

Single title by two authors:

Altamirano, Carlos y Beatriz Sarlo. Ensayos argentinos: de Sarmiento a la vanguardia. Buenos Aires: Ariel, 1997.

Single title by several authors:

Zea, Leopoldo, et al. José Martí a cien años de Nuestra América. México: Universidad Autónoma de México, 1993.

Editor or compiler:

Colón, Cristóbal. Textos y documentos completos. Ed. Consuelo Varela. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.

Zea, Leopoldo, comp. Sentido y proyección de la conquista. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993.


Lispector, Clarice. Lazos de familia. Trad. Cristina Peri Rossi. Barcelona: Montesinos, 1988.

Chapters in books:

Goic, Cedomil. “La novela hispanoamericana colonial”. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Tomo I. Época Colonial. Coord. Luis Iñigo Madrigal. Madrid: Cátedra, 1982. 369-406.

Unpublished dissertation:

Suárez, Mariana Libertad. “Dos veces mujer: representación del sujeto femenino en la novela hispanoamericana finisecular escrita por mujeres”. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002.

  1. b) Articles in regular publications and journals

They must include the information in the following order and format:

Last name of the author, name. Title of the article (in italics). Name of the journal (in italics). Volume/number (year of publication): pages.

Journal Article:

Invernizzi, Lucía. “Imágenes de mujer en testamentos chilenos del siglo XVII”. Revista Chilena de Literatura 61 (2002): 21-37.

  1. c) Electronic publications

They must include the information in the following order and format:

Last name of the author, name. Title of the article (in italics). Name of the website (in italics). Date of publication or of latest updating. Website Address (URL).

Example: Villoro, Juan. “El cielo artificial”. MEXartes-berlín. de Septiembre-diciembre 2002


Article submission

Revista Chilena de Literatura receives contributions for its evaluation in a permanent form between the months of March and December of each year. The collaborations will be sent in digital format through the button “make a submission”, located in the journal’s website ( The authors will receive an automatic email confirming the receipt of their writing; otherwise, we appreciate writing to our email:


Artículos relevantes con un enfoque personal del tema publicado por Miscelánea.

Información para envíos

Instrucciones para mandar artículos a los números venideros.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.