Routes and settlements in Valdivia and Los Llanos in the mid-18th century


  • Leonor Adán Alfaro Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Simón Urbina Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Francisca Poblete Benner Investigadora Independiente
  • Roberto Bosshardt Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Margarita Alvarado Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Marcelo Godoy Universidad Austral de Chile


An ethnohistorical study about the indigenous and hybrid settlement system of the "Llanos de Valdivia" during the XVIIIth century is presented. We synthesize archaeological information, historical sources and ethnographic work about routes and spatial construction of this territory described usually as impassable in the European records. The expedition to open a new path between Valdivia and the ruins of Osorno in 1759 reveal different forms of interaction and several features of Huilliche territoriality. Finally, the cultural complexity and historical definition of borders and frontiers are discussed.


Valdivia, routes, settlements, Huilliche, 18th century.