
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Human Rights and Public Protests in Chile during 2011: the public hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights


  • Branislav Marelic Rokov Universidad de Chile


The large scale public protests that took place in Chile in 2011 were met with violence on the part of the State: the right to freedom of assembly was curtailed, protesters were subjected to harsh repression and those detained were even tortured. In the face of this treatment, a group of students along with lawyers from the Citizens Advisory Program of Instituto Igualdad brought their case to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights so as to present these human rights violations in a public hearing. This article describes the context in which the decision was made to bring the matter before this international body, the content of the claim presented to the Inter-American Commission, as well as the State’s answer and the Commission’s reaction to the presentation of these facts.


Public protests, Freedom of assembly, Torture, Police brutality, Military jurisdiction

Author Biography

Branislav Marelic Rokov, Universidad de Chile

Egresado de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. En 2011 presentó, junto a Ítalo Jaque, la audiencia “Derechos humanos y manifestaciones públicas en Chile” ante la CIDH en su 143° período de sesiones, por el Programa Asesoría Ciudadana del Instituto Igualdad.