Difficulties and subordinations in childbirth. An artistic experience with mothers in southern Chile


  • Rosario García-Huidobro Munita Universidad de Los Lagos
  • Ninoska Schenffeldt Ulloa Universidad de Los Lagos


This article emerges from the FONDART creation project, entitled "Retrarelatos de un parto olvidado", which developed as an experience of research and artistic creation for the recognition of female motherhood, which explored and made visible how 48 women live their experiences of childbirth. From the analysis of the stories, it is observed that births are experienced as multisituational situations. The difficulties, subordination and heteronomy of childbirth stand out, as well as the fears inherited from the physiological process and the environment of the process. All these factors make mothers subordinate themselves to the system in a consensual or dissenting way, where they accept the given reality or question it, after a reflective process about their childbirth experience. It proposes a view of humanized childbirth that relieves the care and agency of mothers, so that they are active and make of this a political act that relieves their place in history and patriarchal culture.


childbirth, subordination, heteronomy, violence, empowerment

Author Biographies

Rosario García-Huidobro Munita, Universidad de Los Lagos

Dra. en Artes y Educación. Directora de la Dirección de Igualdad de Género, académica, artista e
investigadora de la carrera de Pedagogía en Artes, Universidad de Los Lagos.

Ninoska Schenffeldt Ulloa, Universidad de Los Lagos

Socióloga Mg. © en Estudios de Género y Cultura mención en Ciencias Sociales. Profesional de apoyo
en Docencia e Investigación de la Dirección de Igualdad de Género, Universidad de Los Lagos.