Posicionamientos políticos de mujeres mapuche guluche: género, feminismos y razón colonial


  • Ximena Mercado-Catriñir Universidad de la Frontera


In the context of the resurgence of women's and feminist movements between 2014-2018 in ngulumapu, cases of violence against women are visible within the Mapuche social movement, realizing the need for their own political-cultural approaches to address these situations. This research, through the involvement of indigenous, Mapuche, epistemologies decolonizing feminists together with Mapuche methodology and procedures for discussion and collective analysis such as güxamkan and güxamkawün, addresses the political positions of Mapuche women regarding gender, feminism (s), external violence and the internal violence in Mapuche society and its critical deconstructive perspectives regarding the colonialism-patriarchy-capitalism phenomenon and the minorization of these problems in the Mapuche autonomic processes.


Political positions, internal violence, indigenous feminisms, internalized colonialism, Mapuche women ́s