Family “between peers”. Solidarity relations and bonds of fraternity between transvestites and transsexuals of contemporany Argentina


  • Mariana Álvarez Broz Universidad Nacional de San Martín


This article takes into account for some aspects of the biographical trajectories of transvestites and transsexuals linked to prostitution in contemporary Argentina. I will focus on the problems that are generated and the social consequences for transvestites and transsexuals to assume their gender identity into de family home. Likewise, I am interested in explaining how the process of trans subjectivation leads them to leave the family home at a very early age and to establish new social and affective ties with other transvestites and transsexuals, with whom they will form their new family, based on relationships of reciprocity and Fraternal bonds.


transvestite, transsexual, socialization, solidarity, family

Author Biography

Mariana Álvarez Broz, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Doctora en Sociología (IDAES-UNSAM). Magister en Sociología de la Cultura y Análisis Cultural (IDAES-UNSAM). Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación (FSOC-UBA). Docente e investigadora (IDAES-UNSAM y FSOC-UBA). Co-coordinadora del Programa de Estudios sobre Sexualidades, Géneros y Violencias (IDAES-UNSAM)