Relations between hegemonic representation of masculinity and their subjectivities. Gender and sexualities in autobiographical stories of members of the Collective of Anti-Patriarchal Men (Mendoza, 2013)


  • Santiago Zigliotto Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


This article is about the relations between the hegemonic representation of masculinity and the subjectivities. It is addressed through the analysis of autobiographical accounts of members of the Collective of Anti-Patriarchal Men, Mendoza 2013.The notions used in the analysis are those of Gender, in terms of the processes of identification, and sexuality/ies.The findings indicate that these subjects developed disidentifications with the hegemonic model of masculinity from the experiences of violence as an intrinsic feature of male sociability. Sexualities have an important place in the identification processes, so that gay and straight reported having different paths.Finally, collective reflection and political practice demonstrated as part of a process of de-identification of hegemony and proposes an alternative (counter- -hegemonic?) masculinity.


hegemonic representation of masculinity, subjetivities, gender, sexuality